Photographer 4 : Floris Neusüss

Camera-less photography

Floris Neusüss (born Lennep, Germany, 1937) has dedicated his whole career to extending the practice, study and teaching of the photogram. Alongside his work as an artist, he is known as an influential writer and teacher on camera-less photography.
Neusüss brought renewed ambition to the photogram process, in both scale and visual treatment, with the Körperfotogramms (or whole-body photograms) that he first exhibited in the 1960s. Since that time, he has consistently explored the photogram's numerous technical, conceptual and visual possibilities.
His works often deal in opposites: black and white, shadow and light, movement and stillness, presence and absence, and in the translation of three dimensions into two. By removing objects from their physical context, Neusüss encourages the viewer to contemplate the essence of form. He creates a feeling of surreal detachment, a sense of disengagement from time and the physical world. Collectively, his images explore themes of mythology, history, nature and the subconscious.

Timeline of life :

1937 - Born in Lennep, Germany

1953 - Studied painting and photography at the Werkkunstschule in Wuppertal

1957 - Experimented with and created photomontages

1958–1960 - Studied at the Bayerische Staatslehranstalt für Photographie in Munich

1960 - Began making lifesize photograms of the human body and experimenting with the photographic process

1960–1962 -Studied at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin

This image is very mysterious as you can't really see what it is because it is an abstract piece. It is a high contrast dark room print which enables you to see clearer the strange marks that occur on the image. There are bright sections in the image that almost portray thoughts of stars and the 'things above' in the universe.
This is all what the term 'angel' is perceived to be - heavenly and unknown. It is unexplainable. The dark room print is an imprint of an object which has captured the essence of its being unaided by a camera. 

This image shows a black and white photogram of a person. They are sat on the photographic paper, creating a black silhouette of their body.
This gives the impression of it relating to the things of the unknown. I think it reflects my project of 'Angel' because it comes across as being mysterious, and unique. It is almost as if this image is from the perspective of heaven, and Angels are reaching down to guide and help us, yet there is also an element of humanity needing help due to the bold outline of the hands and feet. 
The position of the subject gives something foetal about the image. The image has been stripped back and the simplicity of it brings out truth and spirituality. 

This is a photogram of birds flying. It is black and white and shows movement of the wings in the image. There is a main focus on the bird towards the centre, as a group of other birds surround it in a circling motion. Personally, I feel that this could represent a halo, as well as showing the idea of freedom. I think this could also suggest that God makes himself visible in everything around us; He uses nature to show His beauty. Overall, the image comes across as being very mysterious and mystical, relating to my project of 'Angel'. I think the mystery of this image also comes from the way it has been made. 


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