Photographer 2 : Christian Hopkins

Creating art is therapeutic for the 22 year old Christian Hopkins. He embraces surreal photography as an outlet to release his depression.
“I’ve always had demons I’m battling against — just some really, negative thoughts, Photography has been a therapy for me, because it’s given me control over my emotions in a way that I never had before.”
It was never part of Christian’s plan to become a photographer. A few years ago, his mom bought him a high-end point-and-shoot camera for a trip to China. Out of guilt, not passion, he unwillingly began to take pictures. But after some time, Christian developed an interest in photography and his perspective changed.

In this image, Christian Hopkins has truly capture the essence of  'Angel.' He has captured the movement of the cloth in a still image. The cloth is in the position of what looks like angel wings. It looks beautifully elegant and angelic. The lighting suggests something of the soul being within your chest, as the subject connects with his spirituality. The photograph almost suggests the overwhelming meeting with God, as the subjects stance is in awe, with arms outstretched, possibly relating to Jesus dying on the cross, or maybe just recieving the presence of God - at peace. 


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